Okwu mmalite kabinet inverter fotovoltaic




Kabinet inverter fotovoltaic, gụnyere kabinet, nke mejupụtara kọbọd panel atọ, njikwa kabinet n'akụkụ abụọ, Ihe mkpuchi AC, and a photovoltaic grid connected power generation system cabinet in the middle. The top of the cabinet is equipped with a large heat dissipation device. The AC cabinet door panel is welded together with grid connected contactors, AC circuit breaker slots, and heat dissipation mesh from top to bottom. The cabinet frame is welded together. The control cabinet door panel is equipped with inlet and busbar voltmeter slots, control board slots, and stability control center from top to bottom. The interior of the photovoltaic grid connected power generation system cabinet is sequentially equipped with photovoltaic component sockets, photovoltaic combiner boxes, photovoltaic grid connected inverters, metering devices, and distribution systems from top to bottom. The photovoltaic inverter control cabinet of this utility model can quickly and effectively regulate the reactive power of the power grid, making the load flow distribution of the entire power grid more reasonable.



Hapụ azịza

Agaghị ebipụta adreesị ozi-e gị. Akara mpaghara achọrọ akara *

Zụta inverter dị ọcha sine ife ọkụ 110v ac ruo 240v ac 1kva-10kva 240v dị ọcha sine ife inverter
ugbua 1902 ozi

  • Zụta inverter dị ọcha sine ife ọkụ 110v ac ruo 240v ac 1kva-10kva 240v dị ọcha sine ife inverter 10:12 AM, Taa
    Obi dị m ụtọ ịnata ozi gị, ma nke a bụ nzaghachi Kraịst nye gị